Category Archives: 2 Amendment Issues

Show #188

On the show today I talk about the shooting in California, and talk about some politics.

Please feel free to send in feedback for the show on any topics that you like.

Voice Mail

206 745-2731


Intro Music:
ARTIST: Screenatorium
ALBUM: Take Off For Naive
SONG: Take Off For Naive

End Music:
ARTIST: Adrian Berenguer
ALBUM: Singularity
SONG: La Chica de los Grandes Ojos Negros

Show #171 This and That

Just a little bit of this and that today about plans for my AK upgrades also some talk about the shooting in Texas.

Please feel free to send in feedback for the show on any topics that you like.

Voice Mail

206 745-2731


Show #147 More RMR Stuff

On the show today I talk about a disturbing law that deals with protesting and some more about the RMR. We also have some feedback from Bob of the Handgun World Podcast.

Please feel free to send in feedback for the show on any topics that you like.

Voice Mail

206 745-2731


Intro Music:
ARTIST: Screenatorium
ALBUM: Take Off For Naive
SONG: Take Off For Naive

Ending Music:
ARTIST: Brad Sucks
ALBUM: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
SONG: Making Me Nervous

Show #2 Heller wins landmark victory in Supreme Court Ruling

This episode of the Firearms Café is about the victory that the American people received in the Supreme Court. Now it’s official, you do have the right to keep and bear arms.