Tag Archives: murder

Show #92 Why Are They Picking On Him

On the show today I ask is there a price for standing up for your rights.

Voice Mail

206 745-2731

You Tube murder elevator
Mr. Colion Noir You Tube

Music on the show provided by Jamendo
Intro Music:
ARTIST: Screenatorium
ALBUM: Take Off For Naive
SONG: Take Off For Naive

Ending Music:
ARTIST: Brad Sucks
ALBUM: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
SONG: Making Me Nervous

Show #81 He Said What?

On the show today I have some feedback and we talk about Supply and Demand as pertains to guns. We also talk about the Bob Costas gun contol segment on NBC Sports from a week ago.

Please contact the show with any comments or feedback.

Voice Mail

206 745-2731


Costas gun control speach
MrColionNoir response to Costas
Costas can’t shoot straight when it comes to guns
Bob Costas: Young Men Can’t Own Guns “Without Something Bad Happening”